And I have probably been around a lot.

The first time someone told me that I had alien ancestry was many years ago. This information has been given to me after that many times over the last decade. It has never shocked me nor made me laugh. I was not even intrigued and somehow felt like it was normal to hear that.
I can’t say that I have felt a specific attraction to some aliens or planets of any sorts, although I have recognized a lot of places where I have had past life experiences on Earth.
The earliest time I can remember when something strange happened, I was about maybe 12. My family and I were on holiday with our camper van in the middle of France. We had stopped outside that small village called Salers. This was our first time there. We decided to have a gentle walk through the village to find a restaurant for our lunch.
As we started walking down what seemed to be the main road, I suddenly had chills and a vision of a village square. I stopped and said to everyone.
Wait! I know exactly what we are about to see…As we reach the end of this road, there will be a square. To the left there will be some stairs up to a small door, in the middle of the square, there will be large fountain…
I went on giving more details about the place. It was so clear in my head. When we reached the square, we all stopped, amazed. Most of the details I had given matched what we were seeing. The only way I can explain this is by imagining that I had a life here before.
What happened to me at the end of last year, keeps confirming that I have some alien heritage in me. The light language movements that started naturally a few weeks ago are proving real and efficient at changing energy patterns and maybe working with sacred geometry. All I know is that it helps me and the people who receive that treatment from me. I do not command my gestures. They are flowing, fast and furious out of my hands and at that time, I have no issue keeping my mind still and empty.
Two days ago, something even more incredible happened. I woke up between 4 and 5 AM. I was feeling unsettled so I decided to listen to a psychic reading a friend of mine had done for me about a year ago.
This particular reading was telling me that my star family was in or pass the constellation of Orion. I was sitting on my bed, with an big and old diary from 2009 that had hardly been used, so I was taking notes while listening. Suddenly I stopped writing in English and felt the impulse to “doodle”…
I quickly realised though that I was not doodling. I fact I could not stop my hand. It wrote fast, one character at a time, from the top to the bottom of a page, then next column all the way going from the left to the right of each page, turning pages after pages. I kept going for a while.
The experience was amazing. It was obvious that I was not in charge. I had no idea what the next alien character was going to be. I just let myself go through this amazing automatic writing experience.
It was so emotional. I kept crying and crying. All out of joy. It felt like a relief, a knowing that I was not alone. I could feel that I was being reunited with an aspect of myself that I could not make up if I wanted to. At the same time, I could feel my star family with me. Maybe they were writing through me. All I Know is that when it suddenly stopped, I had filled 20 pages of alien language that I could not understand with my human brain but that my whole energetic system was responding to. I felt joyous, relieved and at peace, a feeling that I had not felt in a long while.
In the reading, my psychic friend talks about preparing me for my space travel… Maybe that is part of the preparation, and I feel a mix of fear and excitement at the same time about this prospect.