Communication is everything. Always.

Dear Journal, like the paper to my pen, you are the space that gives me a voice, a way for my soul to express. You are my connection to the Divine and to my Higher Self. Thank you. Communication is easy with you because I feel free. I am not judged. I feel supported by a higher power. It is liberating.
Back in the “real” world we rarely have the same freedom. We are now losing it through a lot of online censorship. I am beginning to see that we can never really be 100% free.
From birth, we arrive carrying the unresolved issues of our previous lives and that of our ancestors. Already we have pre-disposed elements that determine our physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual makeup.
Our True Self, the Higher and larger version of us divides itself in many pieces in many incarnations and life experiences without form in so many directions, dimensions, realities, gathering information, learning from each experience all this through the communication of each piece back to the “head”. This is how we grow and evolve.
I believe we are one and that each of us is a drop on its own while being part of one giant ocean of energy – our Source, our creator. Even though we seem separate, we are always connected. Even the drop that is on one side of the Earth is connected to the drop that is miles away from it.
Deep inside us, there is that knowing that we are indeed all connected at some level. Communication is always going on between us as humans. We are all plugged into this ocean – this human Collective. We are constantly fed by it and feeding it with our experiences, our thoughts, feelings and our energy.
Connection is thus the way things are in this Universe. Connection is communication. Communication is everything.
After her stroke, my mum’s brain lost some communication with some parts of her body. She has lost the ability to speak and to move her right side. We are having to rely on other ways to understand her. We use facial expression, pictures, sounds. There are also the invisible communications going on in the background, our energy, our intuition that is giving us information from the other person.
At a higher level, we are talking. After all this body is only an acting costume we have borrowed to play a certain role in this lifetime. Our Higher Self is watching the show.
With the role we are playing , we get our personality, our Ego that is going to see things form their perspective and interpret events in their own unique world view. That is when communication becomes a challenge. Because each of us has their perspective coming from our own specific filters of information, we can never really get the whole picture of any event.
The best we can do is trust that things are being worked out for the Highest good at a level so grand that our human mind cannot begin to fathom.
Last weekend, my sister visited and dad agreed to have a family meeting – something we had never done before. I brought a wooden stick to allow each person to express themselves freely and without being interrupted. It was a hard reality to have to go through the practicality of compulsory paperwork while making space for the emotional upheaval happening in our hearts.
We decided that we would each write a will to make it easier for the other members of our family to know what to do when the time comes. This made us realised that we hardly knew each other really.
If we don’t make the effort to communicate clearly where we are coming from and what we need, knowing that the other person is going to interpret what we say through their own lens anyways, making up their own story about it, how can we ever hope to understand each other?
I think the hope we have is that we will start, not only at the level of our family but also at the level of our international exchanges, connecting at soul level which is through our heart. Only that way can we show understanding and compassion, remembering that our Ego is simply playing a character and that our True Self is the one playing the role, and who stays connected to all that is, to us all.
Until we each lead our puppet body from the heart, we will continue to misinterpret each other.
Until we understand that there is a bigger picture, that our sole perspective is not sufficient to cast an accurate judgement on any situation or another person, we will continue arguing and hurting each other in the process.