Help yourself and Heaven will help you

In recent years, one movie that became very popular was The Secret. The idea was that if you simply closed your eyes and focused on what you wanted to experience, it would happen. It sounded very simple indeed. However, the idea that you just have to picture yourself driving a Ferrari for it to eventually show up in your life is too simplistic. I believe that we are indeed powerful creators. Yet there are other elements to the equation that weren’t clearly talked about in the film.
I believe that the truth of the matter is that we are CO-creators. I do not buy the extreme view to having blind faith in Spirit, believing that you simply need to pray very hard for something and then sit back and it will land on your lap. I also do not buy the other extreme view which is to believe that we are alone God-like and can create anything we want instantly by ourselves.
It take two to tango and since everything is connected, everything is interconnected. I believe there is an underlying fabric of life in this Universe and it moves with one breath, in and out….in and out. We are part of this unified field as some scientists call it.
Because of this, I feel that in order to create something, there needs to be a dance with the elements. There needs to be an accord between us and the rest of the Universe. It is by cooperating that we move forward as one.
Right now, I feel stuck in France, living with my father under the same roof. We are still living separately since the beginning. It was my choice to not share meals with him for many reasons. One, we do not share the same eating habits, we don’t eat the same type of food. He eats a lot of meat and I am basically vegetarian. My dad follows his clock and eats at exactly the same time at each of his meals. I follow my work and my body to feed myself. He also wants to eat in front of TV and I refuse to let myself indoctrinated and hypnotised by this propaganda device. Hence we are each living in our own space.
It is not getting easier for me to be here. I do not like living like this alongside someone I love but with whom I have so much painful history. I do not see the end of this tunnel.
At least at an intellectual level, I have accepted that I do not really have parents anymore. My mum is not the mother I used to know. My mum and I have always had this intense relationship and only recently, this summer precisely, kind of made peace with each other. It is unfortunate that as we were starting to be friends for the first time, she would be taken away from me.
It is like I had a glimpse of a good relationship with her for a few weeks and then it was over. The same with my dad after the energy clearing that we did between us, we had a few days of peace and kindness between us and then old habits came back.
It is like we are trapped in the invisible memory filaments of the house that remembers all the suffering and unhappiness that has been experienced here by all of us since the beginning and we repeat the same pattern over and over again…
My old favourite question is coming back to haunt me. Which part is most relevant? My Higher Self, the real Me, the Spiritual Me that has written the script for my life and defined a mission for me? My human self who wants to make choices towards an easier path and a faster resolution for my situation?
My Ego is always rebelling at the idea that I do not have my say in what happens in my life. At the same time, I can feel inside when I am on track with my path and when I am not. I have pretty much got by now that I have been trained by all my experiences, especially all the hardships, to become a healer, a spiritual teacher and an educator to help the new generations. It is the one thing that keeps me going right now- the one thing that motivated me to wake up every day - helping youth build a New Earth.
Part of me feels that all this was meant to be and that there is a reason why I am still trapped in France. At the same time following that long dark tunnel without seeing the light at the end, without seeing the why and where it is leading me is nerve-racking.
I should not be like that because I have enough experiences behind me when, looking back, I can clearly see the benefit and the beautiful outcome of having gone through a dark journey for a while.
The last one was about four years ago when my boyfriend at the time broke up with me. I was devastated for many months. If it was not for these torturous months though, I would not have looked for answers to relieve my pain, I would not have reached out to certain resources and certain people, I would not have rekindled my spiritual life, and I would not have developed my sensitivity and healer abilities to the level that I did. Looking back I can only be thankful for that breakup episode in my life and the gift of healing that it gave me.
It is always so much easier to look back and smile at the tunnel we have been through, when we are already in the light. I feel my single story is in some degree a smaller version of what humanity is going through at the moment. We are all walking inside that tunnel, all waiting for things to unfold and resolve themselves. What we don’t realise is that the end of the tunnel involves our participation too.
It takes two to tango…Life on Earth is unfolding and following its own natural evolution and we are either following that flow of change and ascension, or we are not and then we are suffering. There are a lot of people out there still who believe that we will go back to normal once we are all vaccinated for instance. Others even believe that what we are experiencing is our new normal and we just have to suck it up. I am in the third category and believe that we are going through a purge of the old system, like when we went front he dark ages to a renaissance from the 14th century.
That renaissance took many century to complete though, and I fully hope that our ascension to a higher level of consciousness is not going to take that long this time!
We are the participants in this process of ascension. With our thoughts, beliefs and desires, we are voting for what we want in this world. For this shift to happen smoothly, it would require the majority of us to wake up and raise our frequency to that of love, compassion understanding and forgiveness.
As above so below. If I am having a hard time in my relationship with my dad, and we are a representation of the higher unfolding, then we are not doing so well yet. There are so many broken families, so many broken communities and nations. It seems looking at the tremendous work of repair that needs to be done in our heart as a collective, that it will take forever. However, I also know that given the right trigger, we could all wake up very quickly too.
Meanwhile, I cannot deal with the whole Universe, with the whole world, with my country’s issues. I can however make progress in my own family unit and my own life. After all, the way out of anything is: Make yourself happy ( without hurting anyone in the process) and then you can help others be happy too by example. I am reflecting on that too and I want to speed up what I have to do here so I can fly again and fly away with a clear conscience.
This weekend, my sister is coming and we have planned to sit down with my father to talk “seriously” about the situation. I won’t feel at peace until we have sorted all the necessary paperwork associated with mum and organise the future to make sure that dad will have everything he needs to carry on living by himself.
Time will tell how he will cooperate but for me it is my way to dig myself out of that tunnel and see a way out of having to stay here forever looking after my father and the house. It is my way to show the Universe that I want out and I am hoping that whatever the plan out there for me that I will get some cooperation from Spirit sooner rather than later.
I am helping myself and thus hoping to get Heavens help!