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Chapter 48 - Recurring wishes

Writer: Chantal MichelleChantal Michelle

How will we manifest our dreams now?

I am thinking of my mother and where she is at now. Is this really what her Higher Self had planned for her last days? I am thinking of all the dreams she had from a young age…

Dreams of acting, dancing, traveling, playing games, renovating her house among others that I will probably never know now… What happened to all this? Some say that whatever we desire is put aside for us to enjoy later on somewhere in the Universe. I do hope this is true for mum.

How many of us have broken dreams or have been waiting for so long for something to happen. I have studied the Law of attraction and I know how powerful we are deep inside. If we put all the pieces of the puzzle in place there is nothing that we cannot attract in our life if we really believe in it. When you have a strong desire coupled with a strong faith that something will manifest, it will.

When I lived in Bristol, UK I had a few spiritual awakenings that blew my mind and that changed me forever. I had met this shaman who worked with me and told me about my hidden gifts. Meeting him combined with my own exploration of the invisible world, the Higher Realms led me to those incredible three days in my life…

I can’t really say that I had learned a specific technique or anything like that. It was more like a re-discovery of a potential dormant deep inside.

The first day, I was on my way back home, still thinking about what I had learned about our human potential. I decided to have fun. I will never forget walking down the street and asking inside for what I wanted to have right there and then.

Two men were walking in my direction. I focused on one and asked inside “please look at me” and he did. Pure coincidence I thought. But I carried on…Next I asked to see a bright yellow car – which is a pretty rare thing really. Less than a minute later, a bright yellow car passed me by. Another coincidence maybe? I kept going. “ I wish to see a gorilla”. I thought that this would be the biggest test as in reality there was no way I would see a gorilla manifest in the middle of the city…

Sure enough, in a matter of a few minutes, a guy crossed my path wearing a black T-shirt with…a gorilla on it! I had more fun the next day, still splaying with little things…The last day I went to the park during my lunch break. I was sitting on a bench and it was quite cloudy and cool. I looked up and moaned at the clouds. And then I thought “wait a minute…what if….”

And so, I did ask for the clouds to leave and for the sun to shine on me. As I was laughing at myself inside, thinking that now I had really lost it, a slight breeze had awakened. It got a little stronger, and even stronger until I actually was started to feel cold. I looked at the sky and then I realised what was happening.

The clouds were being swiped away. This time it took about 10 minutes maybe to clear the sky but in the end there it was, the sun shining on me for the rest of my lunch. The wind stopped. At this point, I was really puzzled.

Some would say, well that’s great and let’s see what else I can manifest. Unfortunately at this point I had the opposite reaction. I got really scared of my newly found powers and I shut down.

I know we all create our reality, all of the time, without exception. Must of us do it by default, letting their subconscious guiding the show and asking for the next experience whether we desire it or not. This is where things get quite complicated.

If I am sending an order to the Universe one day and the next I am asking for the opposite, I am assuming the two orders cancel each other out?

This is how I feel about my current situation. I have been moving a lot in my life, living in many different styles of places, renting, sharing, subletting, but never owning a place. I absolutely adore those tiny homes, yurts and other small living spaces that make you embrace a minimalist life style and go back to more simplicity.

Yet on the other hand, I also dream of having a very big house that would also be my School of Happiness for the community. It would be light and spacious and I would be able to enjoy all the stuff I have accumulated over my many travels…How confusing is this for the Universe!

To this day I guess I have been sending mixed signals and nothing is really manifesting…Will the New Earth offer new possibilities? I want to be there to see. I also hope mum will hang in there long enough for 5D medicine to become available and she can get cured. That is, if that is the path she has chosen…



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