Stuck in limbo between 3D and 5D

New Year is approaching. Others make resolutions. I make a review. I look at the year passed and see where I am at. And right now, I am confused. On one hand I want to believe that I can leave this 3D world and already be living in 5D, in the New Earth and not be worried about anything material, yet, on the other hand I find my mind is still trapped in the many lifetimes indoctrination of this dimension - So much so that even though I do believe that I am an eternal Being of light, I still carry the fear of not being safe in this world.
Right now, there is still a part of me who is afraid my family and I will remain victims of the system. Even though I am aware that we are trapped in the Matrix - which is more than what most people are aware of - my mind is still not trained to escape it completely.
A lot of us have had their creative freedom taken away and replaced with the prison of an office where we depend on the willingness of a boss to employ us, keep us and pay us. I realise how dependent we are on this system that has slowly taken us away from the land, forced us into cities where we depend on big corporation to survive.
Our freedom of exchange has been lost through the introduction of a monetary system which clearly created the gap between the 1% ultra-wealthy and the others fighting for a living or getting by… We have been forced to believe we have to give our money to banks to keep it safe and that this is the only way we can then be allowed to buy commodities and food.
Our freedom of access to land and water has been stolen from us a long time ago. We depend on water and electricity being provided from those big companies too. We depend on social and health systems for our survival. We have been sold a dream of comfort and consumerism which has slowly but surely killed our freedom and creativity.
So far, the systems in place have not been for humanity’s best interest at large but for the interest of a few. Anyone with a bit of research and critical thinking would clearly face that fact. Now, the big question is: What happens when those unhealthy systems collapse? What do we do then?
We have been used for so long to rely on the systems in place, to be assisted all the time…How do we go from being spoon-fed to standing up for ourselves and rediscovering our freedom, our creativity and our resourcefulness?
I cannot help but worry about finances right now. I know worrying brings the opposite result. If I worry about it, I will indeed have more to worry about. So, if I let go and go with the flow, there is more chance it will be fine, is there?
This is the biggest test ever for me and I know we are a growing number in the same boat… Having to find the faith inside. Remembering that we are Beings of light. Knowing deep inside that this world is an illusion and that nothing bad can really ever happen to us. Understanding that the collapse of the old is not only meant to be but desirable. And trusting that all will be fine.
It is the biggest test because it is the eternal search of balance between effort and surrender. Which part of my life and future unfolding do I leave to my Higher Self, to the higher realms, to God the ultimate creator of all, the I Am That I Am, and which part do I take charge of as my human form. What role am I supposed to play? This is still unclear to me…