December 21 came and went. Now what?

God is a mystery. The Universe is a mystery. In fact I believe there are an infinite number of Universes. I also know there are other worlds, dimensions, realities and so much more than my human mind can fathom. I have also come to understand, at least at an intellectual level, that there is not time and space and that all is always happening here and now. Time and space are systems we had to put in place on Earth to make sense of our human life here. All there is really is energy vibrating at various frequencies. Some too high for us to perceive fully.
So, the long-awaited December 21st 2020, the famous solstice came and went. I spent most the day online following channellings and meditations, went to bed and woke up the next day as if nothing happened. I was not waiting for a magic wand, but I was disappointed not to have seen special lights, shapes or colours in the sky.
I guess old scriptures were telling us about the changes of the world in poetic ways and metaphors so that we could understand them. In truth all the changes on that day were happening at such a deep level that we might only perceive their transformative gifts in very subtle yet powerful way over time -this time that only exits in our mind. This time that doesn’t really matter since everything is energy changing shape.
We have all experienced being deeply absorbed in something, loving what we were doing so much that we lose track of time. We have also all experienced being so bored and stuck in a situation we could not escape – such as stuck in a class with a boring teacher and a boring subject – that it feels like time is not moving fast enough. This year I experienced something even weirder.
I was getting ready for a video conference. My contact was a little late. I looked at the clock on my computer. It was 6:30 pm. I thought, well since they are a little late, I will pop to the bathroom quickly. I went, washed my hands, rushed back to my chair and looked at the time. It still showed 6:30. I thought, wow that was fast, and I even have time to prepare a cup of tea. So I went to the kitchen and did just that . I hurried a bit though as I did not want to be late this time. When I came back to my computer and checked the time... It was still 6:30!
This time, I was puzzled! How could I have done all this under a minute? I checked on my phone and it showed 6:30 too.
Time is definitely uncertain and since it is in our mind I guess all the energy portals that open up for us in this period of shift are all working, yet in mysterious ways and affecting us individually in more or less subtle ways depending on the original state of our mind.
These changes of energies are supposed to help us shift to a higher level of consciousness, to a space where we will open our heart and start behaving towards ourselves and each other with more kindness and compassion.
I guess some shells are harder to break than others. I am thinking of my father right now.
After the energy clearing between my father and I, there were a few magical days when he was transformed. He talked, he shared, he was interested…He was a different man. That lasted a few days. Habits die hard I guess…Even though he seems to be mellower; there are still aspects of him that are attached to his daily routine that keep him being the man he has been for so many years.
This is the dilemma I encounter sometimes with those who come to me for Spiritual healing. Spirit will always clear anything we ask them to clear. They can remove any blocks we have. There is one thing they cannot do though, is interfere with our free will. We still have the choice at the end of the day to think and behave a certain way. It is always up to us to live this life the way we see fit.
My hope is that, as the energies keep increasing on the planet, more and more “shells” will break open, and we will reach a time of peace and collaboration for the highest good sooner rather than later. To this I pray silently every day.