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Chapter 40 - The miracle

Writer: Chantal MichelleChantal Michelle

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

One of these three fateful years is for real.

For some of us old enough, we remember the big deal that was made in the year of 1999. First there was the whole esoteric approach of 999 which was 666 upside down, considered the number of the beast. That was supposed to be a bad year. And in a way it was. I remember a few catastrophes that happened that year. Attached to that was the whole scenario of the end of a millennium and the start of a new one. This was also in the news and that played on our psyche.

A lot of people were expecting something awful or miraculous to happen on the 31st of December 1999…And nothing happened. The clock simply went from 11:55 PM to midnight and the first second of 2000 with the same bang and sparks as any other previous change of year…

Then there was 2012. That was covered in the news quite a bit I feel. I had stopped watching mass media by then, but even if one stops watching the propaganda TV, information circulates and, unless you live like a monk in an isolated cave, it will insidiously pervade your world. I would hear people talk in the bus. My eyes would catch the title of the newspaper my neighbour was reading. It would come up on my screen on the internet. Whether we want it or not, we get what is going on.

This is what I have always said to those who are fearful to miss out if they quit TV and stop following the mass media. FOMO. Something is constantly happening at an unconscious level. We are all connected through this huge human consciousness “soup”. We are part of it, swimming in it and at a deep level, we know that something is going on. Everything else on TV is either distracting entertainment or temporary news focusing mainly on the sensational and fear, events we will forget shortly after in our conscious mind but that will have been imprinted in our subconscious mind, filling our fear cup drop by drop, keeping our stress level high and instilling dis-empowerment little by little…

December 21st 2012 was the last date the ancient Mayans had carved on their calendar. This was interpreted in the news as a possible end of the world. It was a prophecy and we were all going to disappear and be wiped out of the face of the Earth by that date. Our days were numbered. There were even some places that were displaying a countdown of days for the end of our world. The amount of fearmongering news was higher then. Hollywood even made a catastrophic movie out of it.

And so we all waited our fate looking anxiously at the numbers on the giant digital clocks, as seconds disappeared one behind the other, getting us closer to midnight on December 21st 2012…And then the next second came…

We all looked at each other, all still alive and well, sky looking perfectly fine, Earth still under our feet…Beaming with relief, we hugged and chanted, when someone anxiously said… "Wait, there is still the end of the year, December 31st…Maybe the Mayans got it wrong by a few days!" We all froze, faces down, looked at each other again, and a great belly laugh busted out of us. I would not be writing this if the end of the world had come then…

December 21st 2020…Now that’s a date that I am sure is NOT talked about in the mass media. However for those of us who follow the alternate news, the spiritual teachings, the channellings from Higher Realms and the ancient scriptures, we know there is something being planned for us in the background. It is not featured in our mass media because the change that is afoot will destroy them.

They will not make it because they are part of the old world, part of the manipulation and control of the masses, something that cannot survive in the new world. The winter solstice of 2020 is supposed to be the opening of a new door, a new destiny for humanity as we walk into a new Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius, the dawn of a new generation of Human Beings who will be living from their heart, with more understanding, love and compassion, respecting the Earth, honouring their authentic Self and working for the highest good of all.

What a delightful and dream-come-true program! Where do I sign to make sure I don’t miss that boat?

With this date creeping up in a few days, I allow myself to dream and believe that this time it is going to be true, that this time, it is for real, that we are all going to receive that blasting solar flash energy, that divine light that will upgrade our DNA instantly and we will all become kind to ourselves and each other…

I dare to dream and hope that my father will change, that when my mother come and spend Christmas day at home, she can see the way he has changed and that, because of that, she will want to come back, she will change her mind, fight to get better. Then she will recover and come back home for good and we can all enjoy being a happy family again. In fact not again, because we have never been a happy family before, so I dare to dream and hope that we will be finally and from then on be a happy family!

It never hurts to pray, dream, hope and have faith!



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