I am getting confused with this transition

There is always a moment of confusion when something hasn’t quite gone one way or another. I am in this limbo period, this space of expectations, where I don’t dare to dream in case it doesn’t go as expected and I don’t dare to change the status quo either in case that is the pre-destined scenario.
I have always had a hard time figuring out the whole free will, fate, destiny topic and the role of each of these in my life. Am I really free to choose my future or am I inexorably guided towards a specific destination?
There has been a lot written on the subject and even to this day I am wondering…As a teenage girl, I started being fascinated by anything that would help me know myself better. It started with pocket books with quizzes in them, the study of writing, palmistry and astrology.
While studying palmistry, I did an experiment on myself and my family.
I bought Chinese ink and asked my sister, and my parents to give me a print of their left and right palm on a piece of paper. We put a date on each paper. Months later we repeated the exercise. And that was repeated later on too. What transpired was that the lines of the left palm would remain identical to the previous ones and the lines of the right hand would have moved slightly or more depending on whether the person in question had had some changes in their life – in that case it was mainly me.
From that experiment I concluded that the lines on the left palm represented our written destiny and the lines on the right hand represented the many choices we make from that blueprint in our daily life on Earth. So our life was half destiny, half free will. That is the conclusion I reached back then.
I believe that we do write the main lines of our life script before our incarnation and that once we are here, we choose the details with our free will. This is how we create all those timelines.
I started a relationship with Paul, and had a whole future planned ahead with him, having children, working and traveling together…and then we broke up, so a part of me followed that life with him in another timeline, and I started a new path, where I was to meet other possibilities of romantic partners. Each time I quit a job, I propelled myself into a different future. Every single choice I make I walk a new path…
I am thinking of this because of mum. I did a healing session for her today, and I am a little confused. I did find that a big part of her wanted and was getting ready to transition, but I also got that another small part of her wanted to get better but had lost the motivation.
The real issue maybe is that she has lost the hope that if she came back home, things would be different. At some level, she had extracted herself from a life where she didn’t feel that her needs and desires were heard. But what if she got that hope again?
What if I could get the miracle to have her back home despite lockdown, for Christmas, among us, with her family and that everything went well and that this was the trigger that motivated her to come back?
It seems that dad behaves a little better and maybe there is a chance that she would fight back and be able to stand up for herself a bit more then…She is still young and she could easily have another 20 years with us and witness the creation of our New Earth…
This is where I want at least to try, defy death and help clear what I can energetically with my healing abilities and God’s help so that maybe there is a chance that she will carry on and find it in her to fight and recuperate.
The same balance of hope is inside me right now. A big part of me is feeling that it is too late, that she will leave us, and yet there is that little spark of hope that the situation might turn around…
Even if I clear her past lives and other energetic baggage and she still transitions, at least I would have helped her be lighter into her next incarnation…